Earthquake Information

Earthquake Information

●To all international students and staff

As the 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake hit on Friday, March 11, we ask you to connect to the NU portal and fill in your safety or your disaster situation on the page. (https://mynu.jp/k/index-e.jsp)
An entry from everyone will help us to indentify victims of the earthquake.

As you know, the Tohoku and Kanto regions have suffered immense damage from the 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake that hit on Friday, March 11. The earthquake has had a widespread impact on Japan, including on transportation facilities and on the distribution of electricity.
 Moreover, there is concern about the omission of radioactive material due to the accidents in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants. We, however, measured the amount of radical rays at the Radioisotope Research Center, Nagoya University, which is 440 km away from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants, and found out that the figures are as usual.
 We ask you not to be confused by rumors and to remain calm and collect accurate information from the government, local governments, and media organizations, such as NHK, and newspapers.

●The Effects of the Radioactive Contamination

In Nagoya city and TOKAI area escape damage from radioactivity by the explosion of FUKUSHIMA DAI-ICHI nuclear power plant. There is no radioactive contamination in Nagoya city. Please you keep live in your daily life.

●Earthquake and Tsunami

Earthquakes often occur in Japan. We had a strong earthquake on March 11 2011, and the center of the earthquake was in TOHOKU area in Japan. This region is suffering great damages from the Earthquake and TSUNAMI. However, there is no damage in Nagoya city so far.

●Return to hometown

There is no problem to go back your home country until the new semester starts, if you don’t have anything important to do in Japan. However, please note that booking a flight tickets may be difficult and expensive now.

↑Students' Guide for Earthquake Disaster Preparedness (PDF file)↑

●Messages to international students form Disaster Management Office of Nagoya Univ.

Obey accurate news of Japan governmental report.

Disaster Management Office of Nagoya University accumulates Japan government report and offers the information for public viewing.

Place of Accumulate Information Center;
4th floor, building of Environment Studies ( kankyogaku )
Office hours;
On Ordinary days 8:30 - 18:00